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Intro to Travel Possibilities
Welcome to the Travel Possibilities podcast!
This podcast is all about ways to bring more travel into your lives. You don't have to settle for a job you don't love and maximize your vacation days to the best of your...
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My Career Break Story
As the host of this podcast, I dedicated this episode to sharing my story with an emphasis on the two career breaks I have taken. I touch on:
My background in Chemical and Biomolecular engineering
My job in the oil...
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What is a Career Break and is it Right for Me?
In this episode we dig further into:
What a career break actually is
Why is it called a career break
Who a career break may be good for
And how to recognize a change may be in order in your working life
If you're...
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Why Does Taking a Career Break Feel So Scary?
We tend to receive what we focus on...
In this episode we discuss the scarcity mindset vs. the abundance mindset. The corporate world tends to be dripping in scarcity so it is no wonder we carry that with us in...
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5 Steps You MUST Take Before Planning a Career Break-Part 1
This episode is part 1 of a 5 part series of things you must consider before you even get into planning a career break.
The best part of this series is that every step is related to your mindset. That means, you can...
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5 Steps You MUST Take Before Planning a Career Break-Part 2
This episode is part 2 of a 5 part series of things you must consider before you even get into planning a career break.
The best part of this series is that every step is related to your mindset. That means, you can...
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5 Steps You MUST Take Before Planning a Career Break-Part 3
This episode is part 3 of a 5 partĀ series of things you must consider before you even get into planning a career break.
The best part of this series is that every step is related to your mindset. That means, you can...
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5 Steps You MUST Take Before Planning a Career Break-Part 4
This episode is part 4 of a 5 part series of things you must consider before you even get into planning a career break.
The best part of this series is that every step is related to your mindset. That means, you can...
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5 Steps You MUST Take Before Planning a Career Break-Part 5
This episode is the final part of a 5 part series of things you must consider before you even get into planning a career break.
The best part of this series is that every step is related to your mindset. That means,...
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Saving Money for a Long-Term Trip or Career Break
In today's episode I lay out an easy-to-follow plan to start saving money for your trip. In fact, this is great advice when saving for ANYTHING or simply to start taking control of your finances.Ā
The first step is to...
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Planning a Long-term Trip or Career Break to Travel
Planning for a long-term trip or career break is completely different than planning for a vacation. It is entirely too time consuming plan every single day, not to mention, you're not sure how you'll feel by, say,...
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Budgeting for a Career Break or Long-term Trip
In the last episode, I shared that you don't want to plan everything down to a T when taking a long-term trip or a career break. So then how the heck do you budget?
Today I share an overview of my budgeting technique...
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