Take a Career Break and Travel the World
Discover how to quit your job like a pro, plan, save, and budget for your dream long-term trip plus how to position yourself to successfully re-enter the workforce (all without ruining your career or your finances).
Taking a career break is the best way to travel the world on a deep level as you become the sole owner of your time, all 24 hours in the day.
Join Career Break BootcampYou've just woken up...
It's Monday...AGAIN. Time for work, but you're just so tired. The weekend was a whirlwind and you just aren't ready to do another week of meetings and presentations and emails (so many emails).
You do have that vacation planned to Mexico, but that's not for four more months. Four months of hitting snooze repeatedly. Four months of monotonous tasks. Four months of feeling drained, stressed, and exhausted day in and day out.
Is this how you want to keep living your life? Because after that one amazing week in Mexico, you'll come back to the EXACT SAME THING.
Imagine if you were handed six months of vacation or even a year! How would you feel? How would your life change?
Chances are you are not going to be gifted this much vacation, BUT you can create this break for yourself. And I can help!

Taking a break in the middle of your career feels impossible, especially since society bases our worth on our jobs and contribution to a corporation.
In fact, being an adult kinda sucks.

Raise your hand if you've ever:
- Spent your lunch break on Google Flights planning fictional trips
- Cried in the bathroom at work out of sheer stress and overwhelm
- Thought there has to be more to life than just doing this job everyday
- Bought lottery tickets so could FINALLY book that trip around the world with your winnings (and QUIT that toxic job)
- Assumed that this is just what adulthood is...constant struggle
- Counted down days until retirement so you can finally LIVE
Guys, life doesn't have to be like this!
I relate 100% because I've been there too
As I began my professional journey, I loved the paid vacation (even thought it was only two weeks!) I longed for more, but I assumed I had to be happy with what I got.
But the more I grew in my career and in my responsibilities, the more stress I took on, and the quicker I started to experience signs of burnout.
The only thing that kept me going was dreaming about the world I would one day get explore (when I turn 65!!) I spent every waking hour reading travel blogs and figuring out if I could go to places like Panama on a long weekend. I tried to make it work...
I got the wake-up call I needed on vacation in Australia. For the first time, I met a massive group of career breakers, gap year-ers, job quitters...whatever you want to call them! They were ALL traveling the world and NOT working. I wanted that too and I finally saw that it was something attainable. But I was SO scared.
Was I really going to give up my career, my income, my daily comforts? Would I find my way again after making such an "irresponsible" decision?
What I learned was this was the best decision of my life. It changed my entire life trajectory in the best way possible. Sure, I made plenty of mistakes and figured it all out alone, but I created Career Break Bootcamp to be the guide and support that I wish I had during this time in my life.

Are you ready
to stop saying "one day?"
- to take a risk and actually start living?
- to wake up in destinations that occupied your daydreams for years?
- to make friends all over the world?
- to broaden your life resume?
- to experience the feeling of full-time travel?
- to revel in the opportunity to say goodbye to adult responsibilities?
Emily C
I had been planning for my long term trip of almost a year and I still had so many questions.
I knew the course was going. to help me logistically, but what I didn't realize was how much it would help me MENTALLY.
By talking with those who have taken time off to travel, meeting others who were looking to do the same, and working through all the limiting beliefs I had about my dream.
Learn EVERYTHING you need to know about designing, planning, and executing a life-changing career break.

Feel supported every step of the way by the community and your career break coach.
Gain accountability so you actually go after your dreams this time!

Why you can no longer afford NOT to take a career break
- You're not getting any younger
- Your job is not getting any more tolerable
- We all know one day really means never
- The world belongs to the action-takers
- According to Forbes, 52% of the workforce is fighting burnout...and guess what? You can't heal burnout in the environment that is causing it
What previous, successful students have to say!
Cali's Boot Camp gave me the confidence, knowledge, and support I have long sought after to take a gap year.
-Ryan K
I am so glad I signed up for the career break bootcamp! I've already learned so much and it has solidified my desire to get out and actually do this.
-Dawn B
For me, I joined 100% for mindset and accountability.
-Ryan S
So what do you get inside Career Break Bootcamp?
- Dozens of self-paced, video training modules for each of the three phases of a career break
Phase 1: Before
- How to get out of your own way
- How to plan, budget, and save
How to take care of all the little logistical things that keep you up at night
Phase 2: During
Stay on track and accountable during the career break of your dreams.
Learn how to use your time intentionally to make the break healing, restful, and life-changing (with plenty of room for spontaneity)
Phase 3: After
You just had an incredible experience and now you're ready for the next phase in your life and career.
Answer all your questions how to position your career break on your resume, how to bring it up in an interview, etc.
- A request form
- Need more clarification or looking for training on a specific topic? Submit a request!
- Worksheets, exercises, and templates for certain video modules
- The budgeting spreadsheet is 🔥
By this time next year
You could be riding the waves in El Salvador, cooking authentic Pad Thai in Thailand, hiking the entire Appalachian Trail, sipping wine in Tuscany...all without worrying about having the funds to do it...all without worrying about going back to work on Monday.
This is what it means to LIVE. You can have this break. You deserve this break. And I will guide you every step of the way (literally until you come back if you'll let me!)