Your Career Break Resources, Right at Your Fingertips!

Check out my career break blog for more information on career breaks, travel, and more!

Where to Search for Remote Jobs: The ONLY Site You Need for Your Remote Work Search remote work

I hear it all the time, "I'm looking for a remote job, but all the job posts are spam." Or, "the jobs aren't actually remote." Complaint after complaint. And the reason? You aren't searching in the right place.

Best Place to Find Remote Jobs

LinkedIn and Indeed are great job boards. We can't deny ...

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5 Things to Consider During Your Remote Job Search remote work

Will a Remote Job Help Me Travel More?

Ahhh, the million dollar question. We are entering a unique time in the history of the workforce. Some companies are requesting your presence back in the office, while other companies, like Airbnb, are giving the people what they want, more freedom and flexibi...

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Should I Quit My Job to Travel? career break remote work

Career Break vs. Remote Work

Ahhh, the age old question. Ok, let's be real. This is a new problem to have. It honestly isn't something a ton of people had been considering, but thanks to the pandemic we finally realize we have options. We finally realize jobs don't need to be done from an office. W...

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Three Ways to Make Travel a Larger Part of Your Life career break remote work

How to Make Travel a Bigger Part of Your Life

So you want to travel moreā€¦I totally get it. Coming from the USA, land of limited vacation, I feel like we may even want it MORE due to less opportunity for time away. Additionally, social norms in the US dictate that we graduate from college at 22 and ...

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